Law has its own power, so when it comes to legal translation services you need to be focused, precise, clear, and most important confident about what you have translated.

Legal translation services need an extraordinary utmost quality, that’s means that the legal translation needs to be totally free of any technical error, confusion, unintelligibility, or vagueness. All of this made the field of legal translation services very complex and sensitive. When law enters the international arena that will leave you in severe need of legal translation services and a professional agency to get the job done for you.

With accumulated years of experience that exceeded 50 years that helped us manage thousands of legal translations, we have supported different entities and brought people and processes together and satisfied their needs in the most complex legal translation services with the right balance.

What is a legal translation?

Transferring written legal terminology from one language into another without losing the original meaning. This means that it needs advanced skills in languages and legal systems and a passionate team of certified experts in legal translation services.

judiciary systems differ greatly from one country to another, so the legal translator needs to be fully aware of those different systems to assure that all requirements of that system are carefully met.

Baianat IP has an extensive network of language professionals who are fully aware of the target language and Certified to work in a court of law, to provide you with precise legal translation services.

Types of legal translation services :

The type of official translation you need depends on the type of document you need to translate and its purpose in addition to, the requirement of the organisation you are submitting to. You can use the different types of legal translation services interchangeably, but you need to be careful while doing this cause this can lead to serious miscommunication.

  • Technical Translation.
  • Scientific Translation.
  • Financial Translation.
  • Administrative translation.
  • Legal Translation.
  • Judicial Translation.
  • Juridical Translation.
  • Certified Translation.
  • Literary Translation.

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Baianat legal translation services

Our legal translation services can support your needs through all of its legal matters. Our team of certified legal translation professionals understands legal terminology around the world well. We carefully selected our professional legal translators who are native to the target language and an expert in different legal systems. We deliver a complete range of legal translation services, including

  1. Legal document translations
  2. Court interpreting
  3. Sworn or Certified legal translations
  4. legally binding contract translation
  5. civil lawsuit translations
  6. Contract translation
  7. Patent and trademark filings translation
  8. Deeds translation
  9. Litigation document translation
  10. Witness statement/deposition
  11. Legal disclaimers translation
  12. Legal marketing translation
  13. Will translation
  14. Letters of credit translation
  15. Birth Certificates
  16. Divorce Certificates
  17. Death Certificates
  18. Marriage Certificate

Why file with Baianat IP?

  • Wide experience in patent and trademark filing.
  • Global reach and ability to file in more than 17 countries.
  • Certified expertise in different industry domains.
  • Round-the-clock support in multiple time zones.

Do you need a translator for your legal translation services?

Hiring a professional agency for your legal translation services will put you on the safe side and make you confident about the absence of translation technical errors and that it’s 100% accurate and similar to the original legal context.

For all of your legal documents ex, For immigration approval, high-school or university application, passport, birth certificates, and marriage certificates, you will need a certified legal translator and hence, a professional legal translation company.

Our certified legal translation professionals bring with them years of experience and skills in language and legal systems, which make the job effortless in legal translation services. Our experts well-understand the law, and most importantly they all obtain a legal translation certification.

Legal translation services and intellectual property

Patents, trademarks, and other intangible assets make up most of your business value, as they are a critical and vital component for any entity on a local and international basis.

Countries have different procedures that make it a  difficult process to navigate, while filing any of the intellectual property rights, which creates the essential need for legal translation services, to make things easier on your side and avoid the administrative headache of multiple filing receipts and procedures.

Baianat IP can help you defend your brand against counterfeiters, who are looking to get an advantage of your brand and also, could be a perfect partner to protect your IP rights and competitive advantages worldwide, and manage your intellectual property portfolios.

  • Patent Translation 

In a competitive world, protecting your intellectual property rights is not optional anymore. Patent translation services that we offer will help you guard your business globally by conducting an accurate legal document translation, that will guarantee the uniqueness of your idea.

  • Contract Translation 

The multilingual contract will help you expand worldwide, as it will help you import, and export goods and services and sell them abroad, with all the partner’s rights reserved. 

  • Sworn or certified Translation 

Baianat IP can provide you with certified legal translation services if you require attestation that the translation has been done by professionals. This may be for official legal documents requested by governmental bodies.

  • Legal Document Translation

Handling your legal document translation services in a confidential and safe manner. We can deliver high-quality standards translation services for any legal text, which is done by a team of certified experts in legal translation services.

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IP Portfolio Management

a prior art search of patent literature

IP Licensing Companies

Confidential Legal Translation 

In Baianat IP we understand how sensitive the data you are sharing with us is, that’s why protecting your information is as important as offering an accurate translation; for that, we have signed Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA), so we could create a secure environment while handling your legal translation services.

Baianat IP LEgal translation services 

Baianat IP can provide you with a wide range of legal translation services that you can rely on, with years of experience and a carefully selected network of certified translation professionals, who span the globe and a safe environment.

Avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and don’t settle for less than excellence,  Don’t let language barriers hold you back and choose our legal documents translation services today.

Business Info:

  • Address: 6663 Ar Rayan – Al Nafel Dist. Unit No 44 Riyadh 13312 – 3556 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • P.O Box: 85424, Riyadh 11691
  • Phone nu: +966 11 41 27 755

                   +966 11 41 27 733

                   +966 55 61 65 852

                   +201 01 99 55 220

Boost your information and read more about

  1. Patent Translation Services

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