A patent drafting services is an exclusive right granted for an invention that is a product or process that provides a new way of doing a job or offers a new technical solution to a problem.

  • The patent guarantees its owner the protection of his invention.
  • It is granted for a limited period of 20 years in general.

Patent drafting services protection provide

Patent drafting services protection means that the invention cannot be made, used, distributed, or sold for commercial purposes without the consent of the patent owner.

  • Patent rights are usually enforced before the courts, which have the power to stop patent infringement in most systems.
  • The courts can also declare the innocence invalid based on an appeal that a third party has won.

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Importance Of Copyright In Business

How to protect your product from being copied

What are the rights of the patent drafting services owner

he patent drafting services  owner has the right to decide who may or may not use the invention covered by the patent during the term of protection for the invention.

  • The patent owner may authorize or license others to use the invention according to agreed terms.
  • The owner of the patent may also sell his right to the invention to another person, who thus becomes the new owner of the patent.
  • At the expiry of the patent term, the protection ends and the invention reverts to the public domain. This means that the patent owner no longer enjoys the exclusive rights to the invention that becomes available to third parties for commercial exploitation.

Why are patents necessary

Patents act as an incentive for individuals to recognize their creativity and financially reward them for their marketable inventions. These incentives encourage innovation that ensures that the quality of human life is constantly improving.

What is the role of patents in everyday life?

Indeed, patented inventions have permeated every aspect of human life, from electric lights and plastics to ballpoint pens and computers.

All patent drafting services owners are obligated to disclose information about their inventions to the public in order to enrich the body of technical knowledge in the world in exchange for patent protection. This ever-growing body of general knowledge encourages more creativity and innovation in other areas. Thus, patents not only provide protection to the patent owner but also provide valuable information and inspire future generations of researchers and inventors.

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Benefits of Customs Recordal

Difference Between The Utility Model And Patent Protection

Who grants patents

A patent is granted by a national patent office or a regional office that works for several countries such as the European Patent Office and the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization.

  • Based on those regional regulations, the applicant seeks protection for the invention in one or more countries and each country decides whether to grant patent protection in its territory or not.
  • The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) administered by WIPO provides for the filing of a single international patent application, which has the same effects as national applications filed in designated countries.
  • An applicant seeking protection may file one application and seek protection in as many signatory countries as he deems appropriate.

Patent Translation Services

Are Patents Useful for Business

Most people think that patent drafting services are associated with great scientific inventions such as Edson’s first light bulb or belong to large companies investing huge amounts of money in research and development. In fact, approximately 750,000 patents are granted worldwide each year.

  • Although many of them are granted patents for the same invention in several countries, it is hard to imagine that so many scientific inventions come to light every year.
  • Most patents are granted for inventions that are not that important, and some are simply an improvement that increases the effectiveness of the product or method of manufacture or makes it easier to market.
  • Moreover, the laws of some countries provide for the protection of innovations that are in fact additives to major inventions, take the form of utility models, have a shorter term than patents and are generally more easily obtained.

Baianat ip – Patent Drafting Services

We provide our clients with a complete study, photography and a high professional vision in this field; Where the protection elements and the full description of the invention and its drawings are formulated in harmony with the different patent laws in the world, through qualified and trained specialists with high experience.

We are working to make our efforts to speed up the examination procedures in the national patent offices; So, we offer our clients the following: Analysis of search reports: to find any granted patents for the desired applications that are valid in national patent offices.

  • Amendments to the elements of protection: to make the application conform to national patent laws.
  • Follow up on the examination process: the “validation process” is completed by the issuance of a granted patent.

patent drafting and prosecution

The patent drafting services holder has the right to exploit his invention for himself or those he has authorized for this purpose.

He also has the right to prevent others from manufacturing, importing, selling, and offering for sale the product to him under a patent, or without his consent.

He may refer a criminal case file to the competent authorities, and a civil case to the civil court because of the actual infringement, and he may stop the infringement of the law, and he may stop the violation of goods and compensation for damages and losses.

Whoever imitates the invention, the method of making it, an element of knowledge, or any of the rights protected by law, shall be punished with imprisonment and/or a fine, and the confiscation of the infringing goods.

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